<center> # Python Packaging Guide for APT/Debian *A quick guide on how to package your Python/`pip` project into an `apt`-installable Debian package using `stdeb`.* <div style="display: inline-block; width: 50%;vertical-align: top; min-width: 400px; margin-right: 4px; text-align: left"> ```bash # how to go from this cd yourpackage/ python setup.py install # to this: add-apt-repository ppa:yourppa/yourpackage apt install yourpackage ``` </div> <img src="https://docs.monadical.com/uploads/upload_64a8d49f0a0b0690f3d3a43072e36d09.png" style="width:300px; display: inline-block"> </center> </center> --- *ArchiveBox is used as an example package throughout this guide, but you should replace anywhere you see `archivebox` with the name of your own package* ## Goals Assuming you have a Python project with a `setup.py` file and `python setup.py install` already working, we aim to achieve: - a debian package published, installable with `apt install yourpackage` - a static debian bundle built, installable with `dpkg -i ./yourpackage.deb` - a source debian changeset built, inspectable in `yourpackage.changes` You can host your repository anywhere, but Ubuntu/Launchpad (aka Canonical) provide a public PPA you can sign up for. This tutorial assumes you're using their PPA server, but you can use any. You must tell your users to add the PPA/repository sources to their machine in order to install your package. ```bash # on ubuntu focal: sudo add-apt-repository -u ppa:archivebox/archivebox # on other deb systems should add these to /etc/apt/sources.list instead: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/archivebox/archivebox/ubuntu focal main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/archivebox/archivebox/ubuntu focal main ``` ## Steps to Get Started 1. Sign up for an [Ubuntu + Launchpad](https://launchpad.net/) account 2. Verify your email address, and add a [PGP key](https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual/c14.html ) to your account <code style="color:blue">https://launchpad.net/~YOURUSERNAME/+editpgpkeys</code> 4. Sign the code of conduct with your PGP key <code style="color:blue">https://launchpad.net/~YOURUSERNAME</code> 5. Create a new PPA for your packages (pick a good, short name) <code style="color:blue">https://launchpad.net/~YOURUSERNAME/+activate-ppa</code> 6. Set up your branding and PPA info: <code style="color:blue">https://launchpad.net/~YOURUSERNAME/+branding</code><code style="color:blue">https://launchpad.net/~YOURUSERNAME/+edit</code> 7. Set up your build machine (see below) 7. Build, sign, and upload changes on each release (see below) ### Build Machine Setup **Install the tools for python and debian packaging:** ```bash apt install python3 python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv python3-all dh-python devscripts dput software-properties-common python3 -m pip install setuptools stdeb ``` **Set up your package definition and dependencies in `stdeb.cfg`:** ```ini [DEFAULT] Package: archivebox Suite: focal Build-Depends: dh-python Depend: python3, nodejs, chromium, wget, curl, ffmpeg, git, python3-atomicwrites, python3-croniter, python3-crontab XS-Python-Version: >= 3.7 ``` **Set up your launchpad ppa upload location in `~/.dput.cf`:** ```ini [archivebox-ppa] fqdn: ppa.launchpad.net method: ftp incoming: ~archivebox/ubuntu/archivebox/ login: anonymous allow_unsigned_uploads: 0 ``` No username/password is needed for launchpad FTP uploads because your PGP signature on the changeset is used to verify authenticity. ## Common Tasks #### Build the package ```bash python3 setup.py --command-packages=stdeb.command sdist_dsc --debian-version=2 bdist_deb ``` <small>The final version number will be `{version from setup.py}-{debian-version}` e.g. `0.4.21-2`.</small> #### Manage your PGP keys ```bash gpg --refresh-keys gpg --list-keys gpg --export YOURKEYID > public.key gpg --export-secret-key YOURKEYID > private.key gpg --import public.key gpg --import --allow-secret-key-import private.key gpg --verify deb_dist/archivebox_0.4.21-2_source.changes ``` #### Sign a build ```bash debsign -k YOURGPGKEYID deb_dist/archivebox_0.4.21-2_source.changes gpg --verify YOURGPGKEYID deb_dist/archivebox_0.4.21-2_source.changes gpg --verify YOURGPGKEYID deb_dist/archivebox_0.4.21-2.dsc ``` #### Push a build to the launchpad ppa ```bash dput archivebox deb_dist/archivebox_0.4.21-2_source.changes ``` <small>(check your email for build status updates)</small> #### Install a source build from the launchpad ppa ```bash add-apt-repository ppa:archivebox/archivebox apt update apt install archivebox ``` #### Install a binary build from `.deb` ```bash dpkg -i $PWD/deb_dist/archivebox_0.4.21-2_all.deb apt install $PWD/deb_dist/archivebox_0.4.21-2_all.deb ``` ### Troubleshooting ```bash apt --fix-broken install apt purge archivebox rm -Rf build deb_dist dist archivebox-*.tar.gz ``` https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O83rIRRJysA ## The Rules of Debian Packaging 1. debian packages can only install other debian packages, if you need a python package e.g. `django` you have to install the debian equivalent `python3-django` instead. If a debian equivalent is not available, then you'll have to vendor the package yourself by downloading it and putting it in your source code folder. 2. you can never upload different content with the same version number to launchpad (if anything is changed, you must bump `--debian-version n`) 3. every change must be signed with PGP before being uploaded (using key from launchpad) 4. you cannot distribute compiled binaries via launchpad, only source code and build instructions (you can still offer compiled `.deb`s on your own website) ## Summary You should now have a finished `apt`/`deb` package, available via Launchpad PPA that your users can easily install on Ubuntu and other Debian-based systems. If you have any trouble or want to try an alternative to `stdeb`, check out FPM: https://fpm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html ## Extras - https://sleeplessbeastie.eu/2018/11/05/how-to-create-artificial-package-to-circumvent-dependency-checking/