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![](https://docs.monadical.com/uploads/upload_924146ca3fa424ec6356f5c1a465d688.png) <center> <hr/> <a href="https://monadical.com" class="btn btn-default btn-lg">Company Site</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="https://nick764452.typeform.com/to/foY2K2" class="btn btn-success btn-lg">Apply Now &nbsp;<i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i></a> </center> # Monadical Careers: Technical Science Writer [TOC] --- ## Work Environment ### Company Culture **[Monadical](https://monadical.com) is a fully-remote software consultancy that prides ourselves on maintaining a healthy work/life balance and supportive, remote working culture.** We strive to build a diverse, friendly, and knowledgeable [team](https://monadical.com/team.html), and expose ourselves to a [variety of industries](https://monadical.com/projects.html) and learning environments. We work with a wide range of clients on medium/large web development projects, ranging from 3-12+ months. The industries we've worked with are varied, from finance to biomedicine and neuroscience. Most of our clients find us via word-of-mouth or by reading our blog posts and watching our employee talks. Our goal as a company is to build up a team of good people, with the knowledge and resources needed to invest in the projects that we're truly passionate about. We work with clients whose missions we believe in, and actively decline clients we don't think are a good fit with our work style or code of ethics. We try to build our company structure to ensure employees have lots of freedom to choose the projects they enjoy most, and the power to have a real impact on product decisions and company direction. **We also have a strong set of [company principles](https://monadical.com/principles.html) that drive who we work with and how we maintain our culture.** The company principles handbook is a collaborative, public effort and is editable by any employee by submitting a pull request. ### Perks Some perks of working with us include: - Work from home (we're fully remote! Office space is available to Montreal-based applicants) - Flexible working hours - Six weeks of paid vacation - Competitive salary - Time and support for self-improvement/blogging/talks/side-projects/FOSS contribution - Strong cultural emphasis on individual autonomy and impact on company direction --- ## Job description Monadical is looking for a Content Creator / Science Writer with a background in computer science/programming! The candidate selected will be responsible for helping to conceptualize and develop video capsules and other media content related to science and technology, especially computer science/programming. The person selected will have a lot of input into the content and form of these capsules, so we’re looking for someone with a strong point of view who loves talking, writing, and learning about science/technology, be it from a philosophical, historical, or practical perspective. Candidates with experience creating offbeat or unique media are very welcome! We want candidates who are able to communicate fluently with other team members, and collaborate effectively to create unique, interesting projects that tickle the imagination or strum on the heartstrings of the viewer. We prioritize individuals that demonstrate curiosity and a desire to learn and improve, with strong self-direction and self-motivation. We’re a fully remote company, so you should be comfortable getting things done with little oversight! That being said, we enjoy each other’s company on our shared chat system and on calls, and we have a check-in system to keep people aware of each other's day-to-day work and side projects. For candidates based in Montreal, we have an optional office available for use. ### Minimum requirements - Background in computer science/software engineering - Background or demonstrated interest in content creation (podcasting, video creation, blog writing) - Demonstrated passion for science/technology education and communication - Strong creative drive and unique point of view - Dynamic, self-directed working style with a predisposition for collaborative autonomy - Availability during Eastern American working hours (11am - 5pm EST, flexible) ### Nice-to-haves - Experience in video editing (Adobe suite or equivalent) - Experience in visual art and/or 2D animation - Experience in graphic design - Experience in writing/editing/storytelling - Located in or near Montreal --- ## Application Process Our application process is easy and transparent: 1. **5 min: Submit our online [application form](https://apply.monadical.io/)** 2. **45 min: Conversational interview** Chat with Ana, Tess, or Max. 3. **2-6 hr: Small untimed take-home project** 4. **60 min: Pairing interview: discuss your take-home project with a team lead.** 6. **60 min: Pairing interview: same as above, pairing with another team lead.** The whole process usually takes 3-4 weeks, depending on the applicant pipeline and response times. <center> <hr/> <a href="https://monadical.com" class="btn btn-default btn-lg">Company Site</a> &nbsp; <a href="https://nick764452.typeform.com/to/foY2K2" class="btn btn-success btn-lg">Apply Now &nbsp;<i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i></a> </center>